Create your plan in 3 easy steps...
Step 1 - Estimate your emissions
We start by calculating your carbon footprint. We'll walk you through all the relevant numbers, from your energy use to employee commuting. It's quick and easy.
From your building's energy use data and vehicle registration plates, we'll work out your Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
For your Scope 3 emissions, we'll guide you through a set of questions to estimate your footprint. If you already have figures for some of your emissions, you'll be able to add those in as well.
Step 2 - Explore carbon reduction initiatives
We work with you to build a plan for how behaviour change and clean technologies (EVs, solar and heat pumps) could help you get to net zero.
Using our calculations and expertise, you can decide on the measures that will reduce your footprint over the next 5 years.
When you're ready to confirm your initiatives, head through checkout to view and share your bespoke report.
Step 3 - Commit & share your plan
Share a link to your compliant plan to show your progress to suppliers and customers.
A carbon reduction plan is about making a start. Gopher's software is here to help you see how it all fits together.
If you purchased an annual subscription, you can return to your dashboard to check the payback from solar on your roof and explore which EVs best work for your journey patterns.
Try it nowClient testimonials
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NHS Contractor
"You helped us ace the tender! We thought the carbon bit would be the hardest part"
Asa Southgate, Southgate Ltd.
Southgate is a professional services company providing contracting staff to the NHS. Southgate's employees are mostly based at clients' sites, so travel by car was a large emission category.